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  • SEIT Teleplay Therapy



"We believe in bettering the whole child while working

with the family in their natural environment."

"At first I was nervous about how TelePlay Therapy was going to go over with my 5 year old, autistic son. Would a virtual platform even work at all with a child who is so easily distracted, super busy, and prone to meltdowns? It did work! Once we settled into the sessions, my son and I began to develop a great relationship with our trainer, who was extremely patient, flexible, and professional, and we both learned the platform and what to expect. We started to look forward to each session with excitement. My son seemed to enjoy the ‘work’ part of the sessions almost as much as he did the ‘reward games’! It was all a time of fun and games for him. Most importantly, I began to see improvements in my son’s behavior, communication skills, and fine motor skills after several sessions! I would encourage hesitant parents to give TelePlay Therapy a try, it really can and does work, even with the most difficult of kids!" - Liza

Image by Annie Spratt

Take our FREE Developmental Awareness Quiz for ages 3-10 years old. It takes LESS than 5-minutes! Click here to begin.



For families who cannot physically be at an appointment, due to social distancing guidelines, disability,
transportation, scheduling, etc., TelePlay Therapy is a great option.


A good choice for people with tight schedules to accommodate the family and the therapist’s schedules. No more drive time or wait time!


We serve children of all ability levels, from delayed to advanced.

Safe Space

Meeting with the TelePlay Therapy Team virtually can help  avoid any outside pressures or undue stigmas that may come with seeking services. Children meet with us from any location, from the comfort of their natural environment.


Provides a more sanitary environment for children during these uncertain times.

Great for children with susceptible immune systems limiting the number of people coming into your house, especially during peak seasons of communicable diseases.

Trusted Source

Have ease of mind that every email, form, and our video platform used are all secure, trusted,  and HIPAA compliant.


Qualified therapeutic professional with years of experience working with children.

Innovative Approach

Engaging delivery for parent and child with activities that focus on positive child development.


Utilize a coaching model for long-term positive effects.


Experienced professionals available to you even if there is a shortage of therapists in your area.


State of the art technology platform for meetings which includes interactive activities and games.

Did you know that 90% of a child’s brain development happens before age 5.

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